Professor Charlene Makley
Office: Vollum 312
Phone: 771-1112, ext. 7461
Office Hours: Tues 4-5:30; Fri 9-10:30
Email Charlene Makley
For more on these topics and debates, consult these sources:

Socialisms and Globalization

  • Thelen vs. Verdery and Dunn on the nature and impact of the anthropology of post-socialism
    • Thelen T (2011) Shortage, fuzzy property, and other dead ends in the anthropological analysis of (post)socialism. Critique of Anthropology 31(1): 43–61.
    • Dunn EC and Verdery K (2011) Dead ends in the critique of (post)socialist anthropology:reply to Thelen. Critique of Anthropology 31(2): 251–255.
    • Thelen, T. (2012). Economic concepts, common grounds and 'new' diversity in the Anthropology of post-socialism: Reply to Dunn and Verdery, Critique of Anthropology 2012 32: 87
  • Dominic Boyer and Alexei Yurchak. American Stiob: Or, What Late Socialist Aesthetics of Parody Reveal About Contemporary Political Culture in the West
    Cultural Anthropology May 2010, Vol. 25, No. 2: 179-221.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre. “The Left Hand and the Right Hand of the State” In Acts of Resistance: Against the Tyranny of the Market. New York: The New Press, 1998, (on decline of socialist France, calls for role of intellectuals, genuine debate)
  • Collier in Collier and Ong; neolib budgets in Russia, Global Assemblages. (bookstore, book reserve)
  • Ferguson, James. 2006. De-Moralizing Economies: African Socialism, Scientific Capitalism, and the Moral Politics of Structural Adjustment," in Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order. Duke. (bookstore, book reserve)
  • Humphrey, Caroline. 2003. "Rethinking Infrastructure: Siberian Cities and the Great Freeze of January 2001," in Schneider, Jane and Ida Susser, eds. 2003. Wounded Cities: Destruction and Reconstruction in a Globalized World. Berg.
  • -----------------------. The Unmaking of Soviet Life: Everyday Economies After Socialism [Heldt Prize] (2002)  (ed. with Katherine Verdery)
  • ---------------------. Property in Question: Value Transformation in the Global Economy (2004) ·  (ed. with Catherine Alexander and Victor Buchli)
  • ---------------------. Urban Life in Post-Soviet Central Asia (2007)
  • Ong, Aihwa. 2008 : (co-editor Li Zhang), Privatizing China, Socialism from Afar. Ithaca: Cornell University Press ;
  • -----------------. 2006 : Neoliberalism as Exception: Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignty. Durham: Duke University Press ;
  • -----------------. 1999 : Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Nancy Ries. Potato Ontology: Surviving Postsocialism in Russia. Cultural Anthropology May 2009, Vol. 24, No. 2: 181-212
  • Karolina Szmagalska-Follis.Repossession: Notes on Restoration and Redemption in Ukraine's Western Borderland. Cultural Anthropology May 2008, Vol. 23, No. 2: 329-360.
  • Alexei Yurchak. 2007. Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation. Princeton
  • Glasses? Color Revolutions and Cartoon Chaos in Postsocialist Georgia
  • Paul Manning Cultural Anthropology May 2007, Vol. 22, No. 2: 171-213.
    Supplemental materialand Discussion
  • Cultural Sovereignty in a Global Art Economy: Egyptian CulturalPolicy and the New Western Interest in Art from the Middle East
    Jessica Winegar Cultural Anthropology 2006, Vol. 21, No. 2: 173-204.
  • Biopolitical Beijing: Pleasure, Sovereignty, and Self-Cultivation in China's Capital
    Judith Farquhar Qicheng Zhang Cultural Anthropology Aug. 2005, Vol. 20, No. 3: 303-327.
  • Longing for the Kollektiv: Gender, Power, and ResidentialSchools in Central Siberia
    Alexia Bloch Cultural Anthropology 2005, Vol. 20, No. 4: 534-569.
  • Politics without a Head: Is the "Love Parade" a NewForm of Political Identification?
    John Borneman Stefan Senders Cultural Anthropology 2000, Vol. 15, No. 2: 294-317.

Occult Economies

  • Jean and John Comaroff. 1999 "Occult economies and the violence of abstraction: notes from the South African postcolony" in American Ethnologist 26 (2) pp: 279-295.
  • ----------------------------. 2000. Millenial Capitalism and the Culture of Neoliberalism.
  • Max Gluckman. 1959. "The Magic of Despair" in Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa pp. l37-145
  • Ong, Aihwa. Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline.
  • Daromir Rudnyckyj. 2009. "Spiritual Economies: Islam and Neoliberalism in Contemporary Indonesia" in Cultural Anthropology 24 (1) pp. 104 - 13
  • Taussig, Mick. The Devil and Commodity Fetishism.
  • Max Weber (1930/1992) "The Spirit of Capitalism" in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, pp. 47-78
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